Losing pounds of post-menopausal course OEN is not an unattainable goal . And ' well within the range of the child capable women take time to learn how to cope with the challenges brought menopause.
With Weekend Reduce body weight , hay A number of approaches that every woman should saber. There are subtle differences that make ESTOS challenging. If you are able to distinguish between them, the Mind will build the confidence and peace of mind that attaches to a healthy, vibrant stay slim .
The two most important child :
The decrease in the need of calories
De post menopause , the need for nutrients such as fats, vitamins , minerals and hydrates Carbon continuous . However, the need for the body which decreases para consume calories . Therefore, it is necessary UN eat foods that have a high content of nutrients, son of sweets and downs but empty calories . The best sources of nutrients Stores ESTOS son , unprocessed hydrocarbons , vegetables and fruits . Also can the meat PROBAR birds and fish.
Exercise and Calories the control go together. People who eat regularly and take part in some form of exercise, lose weight. Healthy body is necessary for the UN to take a 20-minute section All Days exercise. If you suffer from some health problems , it would be better to start a query to do much exercise to your doctor first .
The body needs calcium
How do mature body , bones lose strength and yes, do not become brittle . THIS ' AS Start a weak reception . Due to an increased need for nutrition , which usually are starving themselves. The women in post menopause usually do not experience osteoporosis, a condition that causes bone porosity and brittleness. In this case, the ' year with an intake of calcium CORRECT significantly reduce the degeneration of the bones. Therefore, make sure to include appropriate complement to compliance requirements in C Calcium Body Exercise Regime.
For the success of weight weight loss after menopause should consume itself at the right time and in the right quantities.
Eat at the right time
Studies have shown that eating small meals throughout the day, while the regular intake of normal daily calories significantly reduce body fat Trend A shop is maintained.
Where consume foods Often, the fat cells in the body that Sentido No shortage of supply of hay. E ' therefore reduce the number and the liberation of the stored fat as energy. Frequent meals , small enter daily intake of foods teach this valuable lesson one his body, what pesos loss help . Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Sign Saltes To reduce weight .
Eating adequate amounts
This should afford used to make the body smaller and more frequent. This Help considerable weight loss . Although it will take time , but do not accept the assumption of the body in small meals Weather .
With the implementation of the above, it can experience a significant weight loss after menopause . Not Talking, after achieving this , it will become a more healthy , vibrant and cheerful PERSON .
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