Common Weight Loss Mistakes Real People Make Every Day

You are a real person, and you need to lose weight . However , knowing this and execution are two different things and you will make mistakes . Regardless of whether , as long as you acknowledge these mistakes for what they are and take steps to remedy it.
Real People Mistake # 1 : Thinking short-term
Turn on the TV or go online and find ads for weight loss and to take note of " how long " they say is necessary. 30 days? 60 ? Maybe it is 12 weeks ? These figures are unrealistic at best and flat is the worst. Losing weight is not and can not be quick fixes , magic pills or simple solutions . Real people are not simple , then why is the actual weight loss is simple?
This does not mean that you can not lose weight by participating in these programs in the short term . The real problem is to keep everything . Whatever the amount of calories you burn in a 12-week period , the only way to stay slim is to keep burning calories for the rest of his life.
Real People Mistake # 2: the same program , same results
Let's be honest , most "new" weight loss programs we are essentially a repackaging and rehashing what already exists . We know how to lose weight , we must consume fewer calories than we burn, it's that simple.
However, the use of fad diets , exercise programs and crazy pills or shakes or any form of pseudo- food products to achieve this objective and the network just the same result : failure. What is even worse is that all these years of failure reprogram your brain to accept failure as inevitable. You really do not expect to succeed, then do not do it.
What we need instead of a new program , a new look and a renewed confidence . This is more than "think outside the box" , it is necessary to throw the box out the window. Only you have the power to make your weight loss success or failure . Diets do work not . 's exercise routines do not work crazy. pills do not work. It is time to change your approach .
Real People Mistake # 3 : Lack of control
Everyone wants to make life easier and the same applies to weight loss . We do not want to think about this process, food preparation , exercise routine , if we allow others to tell us what to do. But human beings are autonomous creatures and can not live inside the box if someone well before the tensile strength and go on a rampage .
You need to support your weight loss . Not only are you the best person to set standards and establish routine, sense of control to develop the motivation and help you achieve this very important control of your weight and your life .
Real person Mistake # 4 : Negative Images
Do you think weight loss is all about deprivation and discomfort ? You're not alone, but it is precisely this kind of attitude that will lead to failure again repeatedly. If you want to lose weight permanently and keep it off you need to make lasting changes and if you see the change as negative, not stick to it .
You not only meet their goals but the journey you need to take to achieve them. Remember, " which is the upgrade" that makes life . If you can not learn to love your weight loss , and have fun while doing it , failure is not far behind .
Real People Mistake # 5: This is not a "change of life "
You know it is a fashion statement in the weight loss industry today, but it is misleading and dangerous. Not that weight loss is not a change of lifestyle ; absolutely . What I am against the attitude towards this shot today. Furthermore, it is most successful for weight loss not only lifestyle . Physical, psychological and spiritual journey is very personal and unique to you and you alone. Weight loss is a step by step process that takes months and months that it takes years to master . Not as simple as waking up one day and say, " Well, I 'm going to change my lifestyle ," and that's all. You must look at the big picture.
The fact that your weight loss journey in the real world is personal not mean you have to do it alone. Join me on my love of community where your weight loss will give you further advice, tips and ideas to make your trip a success rather than another string errors .

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