Losing weight is a tricky balance between choosing good, nutritious food and foods that you naturally enjoy, that is if you want lasting results! Sure you can do a two-week diet of foods that are bland and that you don't enjoy. But those types of diets, more times than not, lead to a feeling of deprivation and often leads to over eating or going back to your old eating habits, which usually means going back to your old weight. Listed below are a few of my favorite dieting tips that might just make eating healthier just a bit easier.
Brush your teeth
It sounds simple, but it works. The next time you have a craving, instead of giving in and eating cookies, try brushing your teeth. It will leave your mouth minty fresh and reduces sugar cravings.
Drink a glass of water
Being conscious about what you are putting in your mouth is half the battle! So, the next time you feel your body moving towards the pantry to grab your favorite afternoon snack, STOP and drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If after 15 minutes you still want the snack, go ahead - just make sure to sit down and enjoy the cookie! Don't eat it on the run! Studies have shown that one of the biggest reasons we over eat is because we kind of "zone out" while eating.
Pamper Yourself
This is perfect if you are a "pleasure eater." Instead of eating for pleasure, how about taking a bath? Or doing your nails? Or sunbathing for a few minutes? Or take a walk around the block and get some exercise. The point is to replace the pleasure you would get from eating with something that gives you equal pleasure without the calories.
Out of Site - Out of Mind
Leaving snacks on the counter is a HUGE mistake! If you must keep unhealthy snacks in the house, put them away. In fact, take this one step further - in the morning while preparing for the day, make a plate of healthy snacks such as chopped fruits, vegetables and nuts and put them on display! Then when you are in a rush or have the urge to eat the first thing you will see is a plate of healthy options.
Food Cut-Off Times
Have you ever noticed that the foods you eat in the evenings after dinner are total junk? Rarely do we sit down in the evening to relax and say "Ohhhh, lets have some carrot sticks! " Take a stand and have a cut-off time for eating that is around two hours before bedtime. This can eliminate hundreds of empty calories every day that is loaded with fat and sugar.
For most people it is harder to change their diet than their exercise program! So, take it slow and make a few changes that you can stick with. Because just as with exercise, this is not a sprint! Good healthy eating is more of a marathon - so pace yourself and you will start to see results. By not only being calorie conscious, but also health conscious as well, you will start to see lasting weight loss. And pair up good eating with a regular exercise program and before you know it - you will be looking great!
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